Welcome to my website! I facilitate Family Constellations in Dublin, across Ireland (North and South), and wherever I’m invited. I work with groups and individuals, both in-person and online, drawing inspiration from Bert Hellinger’s teachings and integrating a variety of other approaches.
Having first encountered constellations in a yurt at Earthsong camps, I embarked on my training journey to become a facilitator in the UK under the guidance of Barbara Morgan in 2013/2014. This marked the beginning of a transformative and magical path, leading me to further my training as Barbara’s apprentice in 2015/2016, and subsequently as her Assistant Trainer from 2017 to 2021. Since 2021, I have been dedicated to training facilitators across both Northern and Southern Ireland while continuing to lead workshops whenever possible. Bringing this healing work home to Ireland and working across the border has fulfilled a long-held dream of mine. Training others to carry this work into their own communities is a true blessing.
Continuing my personal journey is crucial to me, and engaging in various trainings with facilitators worldwide helps me stay balanced. I have had the privilege of learning from esteemed teachers such as Dan Cohen & Emily Blefeld, Stephan Hausner, Anngwyn St. Just, Albrecht Mahr, and Jan Jacob Stam. Additionally, I am part of an ongoing online Graduates class with Dan Cohen and a remarkable team of facilitators from around the globe.
Facilitating alongside many inspiring colleagues within the international community and attending international intensives in Germany, South Africa, and more recently online at the CI international training, has kept me well-informed about the continually evolving field of systemic constellations. I am a founding member of Constellations Camp Ireland, an inspiring 5-day retreat held each June, featuring constellations and a range of supportive events. Additionally, I am the Family Constellations facilitator at the wonderful Earthsong Camps in Tipperary which runs yearly in July.
Homecoming – By Ollie Cully ( Written on the last module of our Galway training)
Existing on the edge of life alone and in the dark, though with a space in which to stay homeless in my heart,
But now I am accompanied and awareness shifts, and through challenge and support the fog begins to lift.
As I let myself be known, much to my surprise, acceptance and compassion reflected in your eyes
I grow close and bonded feel a full part of, even feel a oneness – another word for love
I’m on an inner journey and I do not walk alone, I realise my spirit knows its own way home
Since this is where the heart is and where I want to be, I no longer leave myself, for home resides in me
So, from you my fellow traveller I am not apart, I sense you right here with me, I am carrying you in my heart