What is Family Constellations?

Founded by German psychotherapist and philosopher Bert Hellinger, Family Constellations is a methodology used to identify and resolve difficult life issues in our family, work, business, health or creativity. 

“In doing this kind of work you tread a certain path – you could call it a spiritual path if that word weren’t so inflated.   The more of this work you do the more it forces you into a way of behaving, into understanding, into humility, into a calm composure, and gentleness. In doing the work, your own maturity grows, and the more mature you become the more beautiful the work is” Bert Hellinger

The method is a unique and deep process of therapeutic exploration of the forces that move us in life. Such forces often appear as difficulties or a sense of not being able to move forward in life, affecting our behaviour, relationships, career, health / wellbeing or even financial circumstances. Constellations provides a three-dimensional ‘map’ of one’s life as it is at present.
It is a simple yet powerful way to explore entanglements and blockages in our personal life and in our family history. The method brings awareness and clarity into personal challenges by focusing the client on the root cause of such difficulties. Constellations provide an opening for a positive life shift and presents ways for deep healing processes to occur.

The constellation approach is about opening up a wide lens to view our lives through, helping us to include past generations, trans-generational traumas, and epigenetic inheritance – as often it is here that the root of the problem belongs.

“Family constellations can be described in so many ways, but to me its just pure magic of who we all are as humans, all parts of us. Of our connection to each other and memories we hold and love we feel and loyalty to the clan.
Remembering and honouring our roots and ancestors. Acknowledging their struggles. Its beautiful and powerful work and I will be forever grateful having found it.” (Participant in 2021/2022 training)

About Roisin

Welcome to my website! I facilitate Family Constellations in Dublin, across Ireland (North and South), and wherever I’m invited. I work with groups and individuals, both in-person and online, drawing inspiration from Bert Hellinger’s teachings and integrating a variety of other approaches.

Having first encountered constellations in a yurt at Earthsong camps, I embarked on my training journey to become a facilitator in the UK under the guidance of Barbara Morgan in 2013/2014. This marked the beginning of a transformative and magical path, leading me to further my training as Barbara’s apprentice in 2015/2016, and subsequently as her Assistant Trainer from 2017 to 2021. Since 2021, I have been dedicated to training facilitators across both Northern and Southern Ireland while continuing to lead workshops whenever possible.  Bringing this healing work home to Ireland and working across the border has fulfilled a long-held dream of mine. Training others to carry this work into their own communities is a true blessing.  

Continuing my personal journey is crucial to me, and engaging in various trainings with facilitators worldwide helps me stay balanced. I have had the privilege of learning from esteemed teachers such as Dan Cohen & Emily Blefeld, Stephan Hausner, Anngwyn St. Just, Albrecht Mahr, and Jan Jacob Stam. Additionally, I am part of an ongoing online Graduates class with Dan  Cohen and a remarkable team of facilitators from around the globe.

Facilitating alongside many inspiring colleagues within the international  community and attending international intensives in Germany, South Africa, and more recently online at the CI international training, has kept me well-informed about the continually evolving field of systemic constellations.  I am a founding member of Constellations Camp Ireland, an inspiring 5-day retreat held each June, featuring constellations and a range of supportive events. Additionally, I am the Family Constellations facilitator  at the wonderful Earthsong Camps in Tipperary which runs yearly in July.


In my own life, I’ve experienced profound changes in my relationships with my family—particularly with my children and their father—as a direct result of engaging in constellations.

Observing my own patterns reflected in my four incredible children, now into young adulthood, motivated me to seek out this training. As I immersed myself further in constellations, I noticed a significant shift and relaxation within my family system. This transformation ignited my passion to share and offer this powerful work with others.

Homecoming – By Ollie Cully ( Written on the last module of our Galway training)

Existing on the edge of life alone and in the dark, though with a space in which to stay homeless in my heart,

But now I am accompanied and awareness shifts, and through challenge and support the fog begins to lift.

As I let myself be known, much to my surprise, acceptance and compassion reflected in your eyes

I grow close and bonded feel a full part of, even feel a oneness – another word for love

I’m on an inner journey and I do not walk alone, I realise my spirit knows its own way home

Since this is where the heart is and where I want to be, I no longer leave myself, for home resides in me

So, from you my fellow traveller I am not apart, I sense you right here with me, I am carrying you in my heart

How can attending a workshop help me?

Too long a sacrifice
Can make a stone of the heart.
O when may it suffice?
Easter 1016 – W.B.Yeats

Family Constellations is deeply transformative work that touches the soul. In a group setting, we create a confidential space that becomes a healing field. This environment allows us to examine and address the harmful beliefs and patterns we carry with us and, at times, pass on to our children. By working together and using group members as representatives, we create a “living map” of the issue, dynamic, or situation at hand. Through this process, hidden yet significant truths can be revealed and understood, offering new insights and opportunities for change and growth.

While each of us carries our own personal history, we are also deeply interconnected with our broader familial, social, and cultural backgrounds, which exert a powerful, often unacknowledged, influence over us.

In Ireland, where secrets, betrayals, war, and other traumas have shaped our collective experience, Family Constellations offers a chance to re-examine and challenge our fixed ideas and judgments. This process allows us to uncover and address the underlying dynamics that impact our lives and relationships.

Upcoming Workshops

  • Systemic constellation workshops provide a respectful and confidential space in which to look at a wide range of personal issues. The process is supportive, and often highly illuminating and moving. At a workshop we are able to take rare and precious time to drop down into a different connection with ourselves, with others, and with the wider spheres of our relational life. Both bringing an issue and participating as a representative in other constellations offers insight and healing for all in the group.

“Ancestral patterns are embedded in our DNA, and they’re unconscious” Suzi Tucker

Family Constellations weekend workshop at the Song House, Donegal, with Róisin Fallon April 25/26/27 2025

Weekend workshop in the beautiful setting of the Song House in Donegal, using group exercises and personal constellations we will explore the family dynamics and patterns that hold us back from living our lives fully.

  • Friday: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Sunday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Please contact Paul info@thesonghouse for booking and details.

Dublin, Ireland • A Family Constellation Workshop with Bill Mannle: HOW DO YOU WANT TO BE LOVED?

  • Friday, September 12, 2025 7pm to 930pm
  • Saturday, September 13 2025 10am to 6pm
    Sunday, September 14, 2025 10am to 5pm
  • Dublin Venue tba


This workshop grew out of the question above: How Do You Want To Be Loved? When I would ask this question of clients, there often followed a pause, a slight shudder in the body, a deep sigh, and sometimes tears. I am interested in that pause, the body response, the exquisite raw emotion that said, “See me.” 

I want to know what happens in the gap between the asking and the answer.

The question is an invitation, and inquiry into a deeper, perhaps necessary conversation. 

Through rituals, exercises, and Constellations, we will explore the “HOW,” “the WANT,” and what happens in your body and heart when you allow the question to settle.

Date: September 12th – 14th, 2025
Friday, September 12th 7.00pm to 9.30
Saturday, September 13th and Sunday, September 14th 10:00-6:00 p.m.
Location: Venue TBA, Greater Dublin Area, Ireland
Cost: €275 for the full workshop (Early bird is now sold out)

About Bill Mannle

Bill Mannle, LMFT is a Gestalt and Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Connecticut, USA. He has been involved with Family Constellations since 2003. Now as an international trainer and facilitator, he has conducted seminars in Connecticut, New York, California, Germany, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Spain, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Romania, Bali Malta & Lisbon, Portugal.

Interested in Constellations ever-expanding nature, he is exploring its deeper, spiritual, heart opening nature and its affect along the path.

To Register, Contact:

Róisín Fallon (https://www.araisabhaile.ie/)
Phone: 085 1531106
Email: roisin@constellations.ie

Weekend Retreat in the Wicklow mountains- November 2025

Opening the systemic lens with Family Constellations

“The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.” 

A deeply personal journey into the hidden dynamics of your family system. Through gentle group exercises and individual constellations, this workshop provides a held, supportive space to explore how family patterns, some going back generations, might be unconsciously shaping your life today.

Over the course of the weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Bring awareness to family dynamics that may be influencing your relationships, career, health, or emotional well-being.
  • Release inherited burdens and unresolved emotions that no longer serve you.
  • Create space for healing, understanding, and compassion for yourself and others in your family.

This experience is about uncovering truths that live beneath the surface of your family story, offering you new perspectives that can lead to freedom from fear and deeper connection with those around you. Whether you’re navigating challenges in relationships, seeking clarity on life patterns, or simply curious about how family constellations can bring insight, this workshop invites you to explore in a supportive and nurturing environment.

No prior experience is needed—just an openness to look at your family history with fresh eyes. You’re welcome just as you are.

  • Dates: November 7/8/9
  • Location: Slí an Chroi, Kiltegan, Co.Wicklow
  • Cost per person €480 – includes
  • weekend workshop
  • accommodation 2 nights Friday & Saturday
  • dinner Friday and Saturday & breakfast & lunch Saturday and Sunday
  • some places available for workshop without accommodation €290, this includes lunch Saturday & Sunday
  • couples price available for fully residential places
  • Workshop Times:
  • Friday: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Sunday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Experience the serenity of Slí an Chroí with its beautiful grounds, riverside walks, and natural labyrinth, as you open your systemic lens in a supportive and nurturing environment. Accommodation:
Participants will stay in comfortable private rooms with shared bathroom facilities.

  • Róisín
    Phone: 085 1531106
    Email: roisin@constellations.ie



“There is really only one way to restore a world that is dying and in disrepair: to make beauty where ugliness has set in. By beauty, I don’t mean a superficial attractiveness, though the word is commonly used in this way. Beauty is a loveliness admired in its entirety, not just at face value. The …